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Flashing and step flashing

When taking down a chimney below the flashing you can install the flashing as you build. This is the best way to do it. You can fold the flashing into the cord brick (brick with holes in them) thus insuring will not come out. We install it in such a way that it can be unfolded and lifted up in the case that you might have your shingles replaced the roofer will not have do do the flashing over.  When we do flashing replacement on an existing chimney we cut into the existing mortar joint up to an inch deep with a thin masonry blade no thicker than the flashing itself and seal over the joint we also install masonry anchors to the flashing itself so you never have to worry about it pulling away and we also seal behind it. The step flashing goes underneath the shingles and will be replaced if needed but we still seal behind it as an added precaution to make sure there are no leaks, we make each piece of flashing the same size so it always comes out looking new and uniform. We also construct chimney crickets if needed so the water and snow doesn't build up behind the chimney so ice won't back up underneath your shingles.        
flashing replacement
step flashing
old step flashing
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